Sunday, July 26, 2009
@ 10:37 PM
DAV filming today.
Third day of filming for DAV. Head down to Fernvale at Sengkang there. Took a long train ride from Choa Chu Kang to Dhoby Ghaut and switch to the NE line and took to Sengkang and switch to the LRT. Should have alighted at Bishan and take the circle line to Serangoon instead of Dhoby Ghaut. The difference is around 10 stops. Then saw Jasmine waiting for the LRT to arrive. Upon reaching Fernvale, Jingyin and Vanessa were already there. We went to the place that we thought of filming the other day. In the end, we did not film there as there is a lot of limitations that we faced. Decide to go to Kampung Glam again to film the alley scene. Met Joseph at Bugis and we went to get some light snacks before heading to Kampung Glam. Sat down and ate at Kampung Glam before we started filming. We saw another group of students doing their filming at there as well and using similar equipment.
Did our filming of the alley smoothly. Sat down and had some ice-cream before we head back to Bugis. Took some shots for DFX and saw Alvin and his forum friends, who were the group at Kampung Glam. Took the NS line to Marina Bay to have a seat and slept through the journey.
@ 1:55 AM
Performance @ Kovan
Reached NP at around 8am. Supposedly to have a short rehearsal, but in the end most people arrived at around 8.30am so there was not much of a rehearse. Took the bus provided to Kovan. The performing area was not very big. The first run began around 11.30am. During the first run, I almost kicked one of the microphone stand. Had a break until around 2pm before the next run. Overall the performance was okay. Took group photos and also with some of the BA people.
Head down to Vivocity to meet my cousins. We took the skytrain to Sentosa and then took the beach tram to Coasta Sands. The 'chalet' was quite shabby as it is 'kampung' style. But not bad for the price, even though the room is small. Sat down, ate, chat, had cake cutting, took photos and that's about it.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
@ 1:27 AM
I &E is finally done (almost). The exhibition is over. Met the expectation that we set out. Finished my game with many thanks to Kok Leong, Samuel and Wen Hau. And many many thanks to Wen Hau for helping me with more than half of my game after seeing that I wanted to give up.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
@ 11:32 PM
Have been sleeping late and waking up early in the morning the past few days. Just three more weeks and the time to rest is near. Hope to be able to pass all my modules this semester.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
@ 10:51 AM
Yesterday was a a sinful day.
Went to Bugis in the afternoon to meet Guo Hong, Amos, Jasper, Ryan, Ronnie and one of Jasper's friend, Jonaas. We were celebrating Guo Hong's birthday, though it was not very proper celebration as there was no cake and birthday song. We walked to some temple as Guo Hong wanted to pray. Then we went to eat at some nearby shopping center. Went to play LAN for two hours. After that, we walked to the MRT station as Guo Hong had another celebration with Jaryl and group On the way, saw Melissa, a senior from Choir. So they took the MRT while I went back to Illuma to find Hui Koon and waited for Wei Cheng, Choon Tat, Kevin Yeo and Xian Zheng. Hui Koon was helping out with some event for Youth Olympic. After they arrived, we had our dinner at Empire Estate. I must say their food really is not bad, especially the Empire State Burger. It is like eating 4 Big Mac meals. We ate until we were very full and it was the first time I was KO-ed by food. Went up to play LAN at the Coloseum, the biggest LAN gaming area in Singapore. Saw Sean and his mum outside the arcade. Played Call of Duty 4. Quite fun. Left after an hour. Walked over to Bugis Street while Choon Tat took his bus there. What happen next was quite hillarious. The rest of us walked all the way from Bugis to Dhoby Ghaut. We chased the bus from NAFA all the way to Dhoby Ghaut, following the way at every turn. It took us like 40 min+ to get to the bus stop outside YMCA. Reached home around 12am.

Friday, July 10, 2009
@ 11:29 PM
Went to URA today for I&E.
Reached Tanjong Pagar at around 11.10am. Happen to see Wen Hau just arrived only as well so we waited for Edmund and Jia Yong then we made our way to URA. Upon reaching, only Claudia's group was there. Then we waited for a few other people before we proceeded on with the guided tour led by Yvonne, the guide from URA. Been to URA for a few times but a guided tour was a first or second for me. Learned quite a lot of things even though it might not have much help for our I&E, but still learn a lot about Singapore's heritage. After the tour, me, Edmund, Jia Yong, Wen Hau, Claudia and Haiqal went to Marina Square to have our lunch at Breeks Cafe. Had the student meal that. Not bad there actually. Quite affordable student meal and the service is good. After that I head down to SP, as at first Wen Hau was going to SP so I message a few SP friends to meet up but in the end changed location. Upon reaching SP, it is still a new place to me as I never really went around SP much. Didn't get to meet any of my SP friends in the end.
Sunday, July 05, 2009
@ 9:30 PM
Got my new phone yesterday
Went to Jurong Point to meet my father to buy a new phone. Bought the LG K900 Arena. Still trying to get used to it. After that, met Guo Hong, Amos and Jasper at Bugis. We watched the movie Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaur. Not a bad show overall. After the movie, we head down to the LAN shop. On our way there, saw the AYG Sri Lanka team. After an hour of LAN, we walked Amos to the MRT station while the rest of us walk around finding a place for dinner. We eventually took a bus to Suntec City and had McDonald's there. Went over to the arcade after dinner. Saw a few of the AYG Singapore team people. Played Tekken and the basketball machine. When we were making our way to the MRT station, we saw the AYG Macau team and AYG Philippines team.
Friday, July 03, 2009
@ 11:14 PM
Saw a lot of people who I know today
Went to school early in the morning to borrow the Sony A1U Camera for I&E project together with Edmund, Jia Yong and Wen Hau. Then we played DOTA for a while before going to take the video of what we need. Entered classroom, discuss what we will be needing, then lesson ended. Went to the Dot to play again, this time with Leonard. After that we head to the bus stop and decided to go for dinner. Saw Soon Lai. Then reached West Mall and had KFC. Saw Ming Shu, Crystal, Hong Yuan, Zhi Yuan and Han Guo. After Edmund and Wen Hau left, I sat with Ming Shu and group to continue chatting. While we were about to leave, I saw Coach Zhou buying KFC for her family. Took MRT to Choa Chu Kang and walked back home together with Ming Shu and Crystal. At the MRT station, saw Li Min and her family.